Summer songwriting camp for creative teens

The Emerging Sound Camp

is a dynamic, award-winning summer songwriting camp hosted by People & Songs that exists to train and equip the next generation of songwriters and worshippers.


"I can write songs that will impact my sphere of influence. However, if I will also be purposeful in sowing skill into others, the multiplication effect of the gospel through God’s people and songs could be exponential. I can’t think of anything more important than raising up the next generation of worship songwriters; servants who will write to fill the lips of God’s Children with the Word and awesome high praises of God (Ps 149)!"



A team comprised of the founder, Jennie Lee Riddle and members of the People & Songs Community have assembled to train students by walking with them through the process of songwriting, singing, living a lifestyle of worship, and serving others. We do this through:

  • Chapel - A rich, life-giving environment of worship, teaching, God's word, communion, testimony, and fellowship. 

  • General Assembly - Fun, interactive opportunity to play, showcase work, applaud each others growth, and learn from one another.

  • Core Groups - Approximately 8 persons (2 leaders and six students). These core-groups live together, pray together, and eat most meals together.

  • Break-Outs - An array of skill specific training to strengthen areas of need in our young creatives (theory, production, guitar, harmony and blend, team dynamics)

  • Large Group Classes - Professional level training in worship leading, song-writing and vocal strengthening.

  • Writing Circles - Multiple collaboration opportunities at the pro-level in small, skill-level based Writing Circles.  These circles rotate daily with different students, teachers and interns to provide a balanced and rounded experience.


PURPOSE: Our philosophy demands that we give ourselves to the training of others towards the fulfillment of the Great Commission. The team purposes to walk side-by-side with the students all week in a life-giving and fully-engaged way.  It is our hope to spark a flame of Kingdom inspiration, godly unity, and true friendship in the hearts of young creatives that extend far beyond our time together - to be specific - we hope to impact lives to serve passionately serve Jesus until He is met face to face.


SONG: Song helps trump our circumstances with a current hallelujah. Song is a tool that enables the right response at the right time. In the moment of challenge, when flight or fight reactions rise, we don’t always have the presence of mind to remember where we left our Bible. Praise Jesus, for the presence of His Holy Spirit who calls to memory God’s Word (Jn 14:26). With the powerful aid of meter, rhyme, and melody we can assimilate a continual influx of the right information; The Word of God – “living, active, sharper than any two-edged sword, dividing between soul and spirit, joint and marrow, and discerning the thoughts and intentions of the heart.” Heb 4:12 .



Dear Friends,

Music is the tool that helps me to write God's Word on my heart. Meter, rhyme, and melody are so often the means of recall in moments when I need my faith reinforced by solid truth. I can't think of a better use of my time than teaching Kingdom leaders to arm their hearts with transformational Truth.  I can write songs that can impact my sphere of influence for God, and I will do so. However, if I will train an army of Kingdom pens to do the same, the multiplication effect for the spread of the gospel through music would be exponential. I invite you to join my friends and me on a journey of life-change. I can't think of anything more powerful than the lips of God's Children filled with the powerful good news of Jesus Christ and the joy of melody. Come sing a new song with us!

- Jennie Lee Riddle, Founder